Intro to Fundamental Values of the Reggio Emilia Approach in Mandarin

An Introduction to the history, values, and practices of the Reggio Emilia Approach in Mandarin瑞吉歐教學途徑之基本價值 入門工作坊在這個1.5小時的入門工作坊,參與者將跨出第一步,學習瑞吉歐教學途徑的基本價值和實踐。本工作坊將回顧意大利瑞吉歐學校的歷史,概述該教學途徑的主要原則,並介紹義大利瑞吉歐嬰幼兒中心及幼稚園的實踐方式。本工作坊也將介紹美國的幼稚園如何從瑞吉歐教學途徑汲取靈感,發展浮現生成課程 (emergent curriculum)。本工作坊適合剛接觸瑞吉歐教學途徑的教育工作者,目的是入門介紹。我們鼓勵參與者透過提供的閱讀資料和資訊,持續學習瑞吉歐教學途徑。 本工作坊將使用Zoom平台。 費用級別: 贊助級 - $50美元:在此級別,您可以支付工作坊的費用,並向BARIN獎學金基金捐款,以資助其他需要財務支援的參與者。 基本級 - $25美元:在此級別,您支付了參加工作坊的費用。我們不希望財務成為您參與的障礙。如果您想參加此工作坊但無法支付上述費用,請發送電子郵件至 (英文)或 (中文)。瑞吉欧教学途径之基本价值 入门工作坊 […]


Illuminating Reggio Practice through Local Stories

Cambridge, MA

A series of workshops focused on the values and practices of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Join us for a series of four workshops, plus a bonus special event in May, as we focus on the values of the Reggio Emilia Approach as illustrated by stories from guest educators working with infants to preschool children. We […]


Illuminating Reggio Practice through Local Stories

Cambridge, MA

A series of workshops focused on the values and practices of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Join us for a series of four workshops, plus a bonus special event in May, as we focus on the values of the Reggio Emilia Approach as illustrated by stories from guest educators working with infants to preschool children. We […]

Revisiting Reggio Principles & Practices

Cambridge, MA

An introduction / review of the basic principles and practices of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Revisit the significant principles and practices that guide the development of the Reggio Emilia Approach both in and out of the classroom. The first hour will be a lecture focused on principles and practices, with the following half hour being […]

Designing Intelligently Responsive Environments

Children, Spaces & Relationships In this workshop, we will uncover the processes around designing intelligently responsive environments, where children’s voices are honored through co-constructive participation. We will take time to look at the soft qualities of our classrooms, such as light, color, materials, sounds, organization, placement, and micro climates, in an attempt to identify desirable […]

Collaborative Conversations: Honoring the Languages of Connection

Educators from BJS share ways to be in conversation with young children and how this can lead to deeper learning experiences.Human beings build our understanding of the world through dialogue and relationship with all who are around us. From birth, we gravitate towards conversations. What does it mean to be in conversation? How can we […]