Intro to Fundamental Values of the Reggio Emilia Approach in Mandarin

An Introduction to the history, values, and practices of the Reggio Emilia Approach in Mandarin瑞吉歐教學途徑之基本價值 入門工作坊在這個1.5小時的入門工作坊,參與者將跨出第一步,學習瑞吉歐教學途徑的基本價值和實踐。本工作坊將回顧意大利瑞吉歐學校的歷史,概述該教學途徑的主要原則,並介紹義大利瑞吉歐嬰幼兒中心及幼稚園的實踐方式。本工作坊也將介紹美國的幼稚園如何從瑞吉歐教學途徑汲取靈感,發展浮現生成課程 (emergent curriculum)。本工作坊適合剛接觸瑞吉歐教學途徑的教育工作者,目的是入門介紹。我們鼓勵參與者透過提供的閱讀資料和資訊,持續學習瑞吉歐教學途徑。 本工作坊將使用Zoom平台。 費用級別: 贊助級 - $50美元:在此級別,您可以支付工作坊的費用,並向BARIN獎學金基金捐款,以資助其他需要財務支援的參與者。 基本級 - $25美元:在此級別,您支付了參加工作坊的費用。我們不希望財務成為您參與的障礙。如果您想參加此工作坊但無法支付上述費用,請發送電子郵件至 (英文)或 (中文)。瑞吉欧教学途径之基本价值 入门工作坊 […]

Reflecting on Anti-Bias Education in Action: The Early Years

Cambridge, MA

Join us for the Boston premier film screening followed by a panel discussion with teachers and the film co-producers. The film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years, produced by Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo, features vignettes of anti-bias strategies in early childhood classrooms interspersed with teachers reflecting on their practice. Debbie and […]

August (Virtual) Conference – Leading with Reggio Inspiration- Reflecting, Recommitting & Reimagining

Cambridge, MA

Saturday, August 28 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Optional Meet & Greet at 8:45 a.m.) Keynote Speaker: Dr. Tiziana Filippini, Pedagogista from Reggio Emilia Conference Description: Who is leading the Reggio-inspired practice in your community? Who are the decision makers, guides, and models for your approach and values? Reggio-inspired leadership comes from many individuals. In Reggio, […]


Illuminating Reggio Practice through Local Stories

Cambridge, MA

A series of workshops focused on the values and practices of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Join us for a series of four workshops, plus a bonus special event in May, as we focus on the values of the Reggio Emilia Approach as illustrated by stories from guest educators working with infants to preschool children. We […]